Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 5 - Nervous System

Not part of the nervous system but it was not included in the Day 4 photographs.

Sections of the brain

The spinal cord carries the brain's functions to other parts of the body in order to carry out the action.

Pig's eye pigment under light microscope

Closer to the eye pigment

Optic chiasma is used in reading the eye's vision.

Olfactory bulb is used in the sensing of odors.
"Pons are fiber tracts on the ventral, rostral end of the medulla connecting the hemispheres of the cerebellum." (Chiasson, 1996)

Most parts of the eye are described in this short video.

Sclera is the outer layer of the eye.
Iris is contains the pigment of the eye.
Pupil is the opening of the eye seen in between the iris.
Cornea is the outer layer of sclera that is exposed to the outside.
Optic nerve sends signals from the eye to the brain.

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