Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 3 - Finishing Digestive System

In this picture, the mesentery can be seen  holding the small intestine together.
Blood vessels that transport nutrients to and away from the small intestine can be seen also.
This picture is of an opened stomach, exposing the rugae
The rugae are the ridges seen within the open stomach and are used for a greater surface area in the stomach.
Three of the four types of tissues shown in this picture.
The Pancreas secretes hormones into the blood in order to control the blood levers.
The Kidney filters blood.
The Small intestine absorbs nutrients from food
The liver produces bile and filters toxins in the blood.
The gallbladder fills with bile from the liver and then travels down the cystic duct into the common bile duct and into the
small intestine to help digestion.

The removed gallbladder
The cecum is the spot where the large intestine meets the small intestine.
The inside of the small intestine is full of microvilli which increase surface area to absorb more nutrients.
The amazing picture of the small intestine under the light microscope shows the microvilli and blood vessels
that transport nutrients to and from the small intestine.

Another GREAT picture of the microvilli 
The rectum, which plays a role in elimination of waste from the digestive system, can be seen here.

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